4:40 am. The alarm clock goes off and I`m on my feet. Last check, everything is done and then we`re in the car and on the airport. It`s the day I waited for since winter. I`ll be racing in the 2nd Bundesliga in Germany! I am so excited! After 1,5h we arrived in Frankfurt and after an additional 30min we got to Darmstadt, where we stayed during the trip. At the race location everything was prepared for the next days races. Unfortunately the weather god didn`t play along and I couldn`t check out...
The first triathlon is in the books! After all the adrenalin and happiness drained my body, I am now able to analyze my season opener race from a different view. Short version: Swim was nice actually, Bike was "not the yellow from the egg", Run was okay, which makes it a "well done". But first things first. As my working colleague and buddy in crime, Miss J and I left work on saturday, we looked at each other and we both had the same question on our minds: Are we ready for tomorrow?-Miss J had...
25. Mai 2018
A lot of people ask me whether I take nutritional supplements to enhence my performance at practise and during competitions. This topic is difficult to answer because I am constantly trying to figure out this question by myself. There are so many different opinions and views, which makes it hard to keep on track and find the perfect solution for oneself. In my case I rarely take nutritional supplements, besides some vitamins in Winter to stay healthy. But I decided to try something new, thats...
Oh yes the Karli Crew is on fire and celebrates one victory after another. We are freaking awesome!! At this years academic championships of 5k road race, a whole bunch of the red power was right at the front. Together with my sister and Nora we could fetch the title of fastest "Non students team" (because my sisters isnt at university yet), our trainingsbuddys Vera, Dominika and Johanna did the same and got the title "fastest university team". Looking at the solo rides, I am neither happy nor...
125k with 600hm...easy peasy? Nope. Not around the Neusidlersee. It was my first cycling marathon and I dedcided to take part on the day before raceday. I thought it would be a nice practise ride and I felt strong on the bike so I wanted to test how good I am. Roland (my chef) and I strated from the very last row and had to go hard on the first 30k to get in a better group. We did a lot of work in the front of the packs to get to the front. Finally we had a group that did fit quiet well....
Lifestyle · 08. Februar 2018
We are going to NEW YORK CITY!!! It was 3:00 in the morning, as my brain finally realized that. We were on our way to the airport and my belly started tickling of excitement. Our luggage got checked in, we took a quick breakfast and then we hopped on the plane. First stop was the Schipol Airport in Amsterdam, then we went on the final plane to cross the Atlantik Ocean. 9 hours of sitting in my little spot, trying to sleep, watching TV, listening to music and looking out of the window dreaming...
Lifestyle · 23. Dezember 2017
Its the most wonderful time of the year! Just in time for christmas I finally got rid of my cold! Thank you lord! When christmas is coming closer, people tend to think about the last year. It wasn´t a good one, but not a bad one either. But I think thats how it works, without all the ups and downs, who would care about going on. My goals kept me going, even after bad news. Maybe the key is to get sucked down, so you outgrow yourself and become stronger and tougher. I do think that everything...
Races · 11. Dezember 2017
What a day! After a hard week full of practise and university stuff, and a rough night that ended no earlier than 3am in the morning, I didn`t want to leave my comfy bed at all. The previouse night we had a Christmas Party that ended in dancing like crazy in a club😂 Additional I am fighting against a light cold, so I really didn`t feel that motivated as I had to get up. Nevertheless I had 4 starts ahead and wouldn`t miss a single one! It went very well, 2 Seconds places in 50m butterfly and...
Lifestyle · 07. November 2017
Jetzt wo ich endgültig nicht mehr zum Nachwuchs zähle und in die U23 aufsteige, kommen neue Abenteuer auf mich zu. Eines davon ist die Teilnahme in der deutschen Regionalliga und 2. Bundesliga! Zusammen mit den Mädels vom SV Würzburg 05 werde ich nächstes Jahr bei Mannschaftsbewerben an den Start gehen! Das werden tolle neue Erfahrungen werden und ich freue mich schon darauf.
Races · 07. November 2017
At this place, years ago, I watched my first Elite Race and In dreamed about competing as well one day. 2018 it was time to finally do so. The Grand Prix in Klein Engersdorf is known for the difficulty of the course. It's completely different to the crits at the cyclodrom. Heavy breathing, sweat running down your face, burning lungs, legs on fire, what else do you want? Because of these experiences I am feeling more comfortable when thinking of Triathlons. Because I know that I can do it, I...