This weeks practise were tough! Like really tought! 19 hours of pushing my limits. Over 200km on my bike, 40km on the track and 15km in the pool. I am proud of myself and will keep this level up as long as I can. In 3 weeks the austrian championships in the discipline "Aquathlon" are coming up and I really want to show what I am capable of! I want to kick some asses ;)
Since I want to study medicine, I got the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes at the "Michelbeuern AKH" in Vienna. At the physical institute I got to see all different kinds of electric therapies that help the patients to stand the pain. After this week I am totally sure that I want to work as a doctor. Exspecially as a sport doctor to help sportive people to prevent pain and to help them with their problems. My biggest dream would be, travelling to the olympic games as companion of...