Artikel mit dem Tag "cycling"

Races聽路聽03. September 2017
That's why I wasn't competing in cycling crits for a while: because you suffer and wish you were dead instead so it won't hurt anymore...馃毚馃槗 As good as the first race went, as much was I suffering on the final raceday of the ghisallocup Cup 2017. 24k = 24rounds at lunchtime. The sun was burning right down at us and the wind was getting stronger by every round. After half of the race I couldn't keep Up at the attacks and had to let them go. The next 12km where the hardest 12k I ever rode....

Lifestyle聽路聽16. April 2017
I guess thats how mainstream works...everybody got it so I had to have it too. Well now I am on Strava, so go find me and get a look on my cycling tours :)

Lifestyle聽路聽11. Dezember 2016
I am so in love with my new Liv Envie Advanced! I can`t tell how happy I am! Its incredible! It is fast, flexible, aerodynamic and just fantastic. Everything a girl needs. My first ride was awesome, from the beginning on I had to to go fast because it felt so easy! I was driving so fast and didn`t even felt exhausted. I was in such a rush and the landscape flashed past me. I love cycling because you can free your mind and enjoy nature and with this bike it`s making even more fun :) And the...

Practise聽路聽02. Oktober 2016
Todays cycling tour was pure torture. It was the first ride after my season break and it sure as hell will leave me with sore muscles tomorrow. The conclusion: Never underestimate older cyclist, they are even worse than the young ones :P Regardless of the consequences on the day after!
