Overthinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. You need to see, that life isn`t always perfect. We will not always get what we want. And thought it hurts a lot and makes you think like your world just broke down and you won`t ever be able to be happy again, what should have happened, happened. That`s how life works. And that`s why people believe in god, becaus he stands for hope. And hoping makes everything a bit more bearable.
Nevertheless responding with strengh is the only choice you have. No matter how hard things seem. There`s always something good coming around the corner!
But right now I feel like disappearing, like nothing will ever be the same. Losing someone special is the worst that can happen, exspecially when thinking about the future. It really hurts like hell, but if it was meant to be, eventually our paths will cross again.